The Santa Ana Literary Association included this poem in their “Year In Poetry” project for poets and poetry about Santa Ana. My husband and I

Published In “The Ear”
So thrilled to be included in this beautiful (and first ever!) online issue #24 of “The Ear.” Click here and scroll down to hear me

Mary Camarillo Poem Included In Stanford University Publication
Stanford University’s “166 Palms” included my poem ‘Barren Women’ in the 2020 anthology. Available for purchase here.

The Tab Journal Publishes Camarillo Poem
The Tab Journal published my poem “Bedside Book Spines in the time of COVID19” in Volume 8 Issue 5. Click here to read the issue. Listen to

“Quarazine” Publishes Poem By Mary Camarillo
Quarazine published my poem “How to Open During a Pandemic” in Volume 9, 4/20/2020 (Click on link and scroll down past the art to read my poem)

The Bookends Review Publishes Poem By Mary Camarillo
The Bookends Review published “Carolina Pantoum” in January 2020 That’s me and my mom at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 1953ish

Bookmarks of Newport Beach
On December 8, 2018 I made bookmarks of “Newport Beach” and “gifted” them to the Newport Beach Main Library. Watch the video to find out

A poem by Mary Camarillo Dunnells sailed into a bay of blue pacific on a golden day, called it New because he could, claimed

Spring and All
Now available for purchase from Sidekick Press. This anthology from the Red Wheelbarrow writers in Bellingham, Washington, includes two poems by me. My first and

The Red Wheelbarrow Interview
I had a lovely conversation with Linda Lambert from Red Wheelbarrow Writers about my two poems that are included in the Spring and All Anthology.